Roula Touma Bashour
Mrs. Roula Touma Bashour age 48 of Lebanon, TN, passed away peacefully April 2, 2024, at Alive Hospice in Nashville. She was born August 23, 1975, in Homs, Syria, daughter of the late Dr. Touma Touma and Madlene Nassar. She was a homemaker and attended St. Ignatius Antiochian Orthodox Church in Franklin.
She is survived by her husband of twenty-six years, George Bashour; two daughters: Nicole and Meagan Bashour; four siblings: Rana Touma (Philippe Merten), Raed Touma (Roula Nassar), Rim Touma (Dr. Akram Shammas), Rami Touma (Lora); numerous extended family members and friends.
Funeral services and burial will be in Safita, Syria.
LIGON & BOBO FUNERAL HOME in charge of arrangements.
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss of dear Roula , we lived in the cul-de-sac with you guys a few years back I would run into her and the girls out walking she always had a sweet smile , and kind words , you have wonderful beautiful girls ! George you and the girls are in my prayers during this difficult time
Teresa Berry